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Babies 0-2 Yrs

At Waddles Nursery we place a high value on having fun and giving babies plenty of variety, stimulation and interest.

We have three bright extensively equipped activity rooms on the first floor that offer a change to the environment through many multi sensory activities.

A large bathroom provides a relaxed atmosphere for nappy changing. We ask you to provide nappies, wipes and a change of clothing for your baby’s personal needs. These are kept safely in their own bags or trays.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage to give all children the best opportunities for effective development and learning from birth to five years. There is clear planning for babies, and activities are appropriate for their age, providing varied sensory opportunities and experiences both indoors and outdoors.

Staff encourage the involvement from parents in the planning and experiences for their babies. A daily dialogue between parents and staff support planning and reflect each baby’s current interests and characteristics.

Individual needs for feeding and nappy changing needs are met. Meals are adapted to weaning and dietary requirements. Staff liaise with parents and work together in providing the best diet for each baby’s individual needs.

Baby Room 3
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